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The Town of Berlin, Connecticut

Country Charm at the Center of Connecticut

Environmental Protection Advisory Commission

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Purpose/Authority: Ordinance – Code Book Chapter II, Article 2
Part F. - Energy Improvement District Board.

Sec. 2-120. Purpose and intent.
(a) In accordance with state statute § 32-80a, the town hereby establishes the Berlin
Energy Improvement District within and for the area more particularly defined as
the municipal boundaries of the town to be created and operated according to the procedures set forth in state statute § 32-80a.
(b) The purpose of this article is to promote the planning, development, funding, acquisition, purchase, construction, reconstruction, improvement, extension or
operation of one (1) or more energy improvement district with a view to the increase and efficiency, reliability and the furtherance of commerce and industry
in the energy improvement district. It is further to coordinate district activities with regard to such resources with relevant state, regional and federal agencies.
(Ord. 11-08, § 1, 02-26-2008)

Sec. 2-121. Definitions.
In the interpretation hereof the following words and terms shall be taken to include the
following meanings when context shall require or permit:

Board shall mean the energy improvement district board created by this part and as more particularly state statute § 32-80a.

State statutes shall mean Connecticut General State Statutes the revision of 1958, as revised and amended.

District shall mean the energy improvement district, which shall be the municipal boundaries of the town.

Energy improvement district distributed resources shall mean one (1) or more of the following:
(1) Customer-side distributed resources, as defined in § 16-1 of the state
(2) Grid-side distributed resources, as defined in said § 16-1;
(3) Combined heat and power systems, as defined in said § 16-1;
(4) Class III renewable energy sources, as defined in said § 16-1; and
(5) Microgrids, as defined below.

Ex officio shall mean non-voting member.

Federal agency shall mean the United States of America, and any department of, or corporation, agency, or instrumentality thereof or hereafter created, designated or established by the United States of America.

Microgrid shall mean small, locally controlled electric systems interconnected with electric distribution company facilities.

Project shall mean the acquisition, purchase, construction, reconstruction, improvement or extension of one (1) or more energy improvement district distributed resources.

State agency shall mean the State of Connecticut, any department of, or corporation, agency, or instrumentality thereof, heretofore, of or hereafter created, designated, or established by the State of Connecticut.
(Ord. 11-08, § 2, 02-26-2008)
Cross reference—Definitions generally, chapter 1 § 1-2 of this code book.

Sec. 2-122. Membership.
The board of the district shall consist of five (5) voting members. The voting members
shall be electors or representatives of businesses located in the district, who shall be nominated by the mayor and approved by the town council for a two (2) year term. In addition the town council may appoint two (2) alternate members one (1) of whom shall be an elector. At any meeting of the board a quorum shall mean at least four (4) members, three (3) of whom must be electors of the town. Any vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment. The mayor shall be an ex-officio member of the board. The board members shall serve without compensation, except for reasonable and necessary expenses.
(Ord. 11-08, § 3, 02-26-2008)

Sec. 2-123. Powers and duties of the board.
The energy improvement district and energy improvement district board shall have all the
powers and duties conferred or imposed on it by the state statutes. (Ord. 11-08, § 4, 02-26-2008)

Sec. 2-124. Bonding.
The board in addition to the powers set forth in § 2-123 above shall have the power to issue and secure bonds as more particularly set forth in state statute § 32-80a.
(Ord. 11-08, § 5, 02-26-2008)

Sec. 2-125. District properties.
The properties included in the district shall be bounded by the municipal boundaries of
the town.
(Ord. 11-08, § 6, 02-26-2008)

Sec. 2-126. Regulations by the board.
The board may make and enforce any reasonable regulation which it may determine to be necessary relating to the facilities owned or leased by any individual or corporation, limited liability company, partnership, etc. within the district consistent with the laws of the State of Connecticut and the charter and the code of the town.
(Ord. 11-08, § 7, 02-26-2008)

Secs. 2-127—2-139. Reserved.

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240 Kensington Road,
Berlin, CT 06037
Phone: 860.828.7000

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M-W 8:30am - 4:30pm
Th 8:30am - 7:00pm
F 8:30am - 1:00pm

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Berlin, CT 06037
Dispatch Phone: 860-828-7080
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Office Hours:
M-F 8:00am - 4:00pm