The Town of Berlin, Connecticut

Country Charm at the Center of Connecticut


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Results 1-10 of 10
Where do I go to record documents and what are the fees?
Legal documents must be recorded in the Town Clerk's Office.
Where do I go to obtain Land Record information?
Land Records may be found in the Town Clerk's Office or...
How do I determine if my property is in a Flood Hazard Zone?
FEMA maps that indicate flood zones may be viewed in either the Public Works Department or Town Clerk's Office...
Where can I get a copy of a street map for Berlin?
Copies of local Town street maps are available at the Town Clerk's Office or...
Where can I obtain a map of my property and/or the properties that it abuts?
For a nominal fee, copies of Assessor's maps and /or abutters lists may be obtained in the Assessor's Office, Room 18.
Where can I obtain copies of Birth, Death or Marriage Certificates?
Copies of Birth, Death or Marriage Certificates may be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office for a fee.
Is there a Notary Public located at the Town Hall?
Yes. There are several Notaries Public located in the Town Clerk's Office.
Where do I go to obtain a license for my dog?
The Town Clerk's Office issues dog licenses.
Where can I purchase a fishing/hunting/sporting license?
All sporting information and licenses can be obtained online...
How do I obtain a marriage license?
Getting married in Berlin? Marriage licenses are issued by the Berlin Town Clerk's office and are available by appointment only. Please contact our office at 860-828-7036 or email to schedule your in-person appointment.
Results 1-10 of 10

Contact Us:

240 Kensington Road,
Berlin, CT 06037
Phone: 860.828.7000

Town Office Hours:
M-W 8:30am - 4:30pm
Th 8:30am - 7:00pm
F 8:30am - 1:00pm

Police Department:

240 Kensington Road,
Berlin, CT 06037
Dispatch Phone: 860-828-7080
Emergency: 911

Office Hours:
M-F 8:00am - 4:00pm